from $500

Where Healing Happens


Call to book your appointment

Wisdom Way Farm

1/2 hour $50 per person for energy work or a reading for New Clients Only
(excludes gift certificates)

Summertime Special - 9am to 12pm


Call to book your appointment

- Medicine Wheel Readings 
- Past Life Regression  
- Energy Medicine Healing 
- Angel Reading 
- Spirit Guide Drawing 
- Journaling Techniques 
- Meditation 
- Chakra Balancing 
- Soul Retrieval
- Marital or Partnership Groups 
- Fertility / Infertility Services 
- Teaching and Reading 

- Medicine Wheel Teaching
- New Earth Reading 
- Card Reading 
- Palm Reading 
- Soul Map Reading 
- Energy Teaching 
- Kids Classes
- Medical Intuitive Reading 
- Grief Workshop / Education
- Grief Services 
- Star Soul Workshop
- IET Training 

   1 Hour Session $150    Half An Hour $85

- House Cleaning / Blessings 
- Fire Ceremony
- Despacho Ceremony 
- Munay Ki  
- Fairy Classes
- Soul Training  
- Star Seed Education 
- Pendulum Classes
- Herbal Education 
- Chakra Classes 
- Ancient Quero Teaching and Healing

Below you will find a few of the services provided by Karen

- Mentorship
- Paranomal Assessment
- Extractions of entities, demonic or otherwise

If you're interest in these services please call the office for more information


Cancellation Policy: Must call 24 hour ahead of appointment or you will be billed a $25 cancellation policy

Steps To Book Your Appointment


Choose your desired service duration


Prepaid your appointment with Paypal or Venmo


Call the office to book the date and time


1 hour ($150) or 30 minutes ($85)

Our goal is to teach our children to connect with the earth and become better keepers on mother earth.

July 11th, 18th, 25th from
11 am to 12pm- FREE

Kids classes

Come join us for a night of stories and compassion.

July 6th at 6pm - FREE


Please call the office to RSVP if you’re planning on attending any upcoming event (401)206-7330

Events are updated daily.

Karen has over 35 years experienced in Holistic Medicine and Therapist. Her background as a RN in neurosurgical and Emergency Room and Intensive Care Medicine only assist in her clients healing. Her teaching form her training have  included many native tribes Lakota and Cherokee, but her love falls into the Peruvian and Shamanic Healing of the Ancient Quero Andean Tribes, their connection to the Pleidians and cosmos fills her heart.

Karen has appointments with her clients in person, in her office in her small town of Hope Valley or by phone all over the world, "Healing one soul at a time" has been her goal throughout her many years of training. She loves to see her clients eyes light up with the awareness of what mystical healing can add to the medical healing. It gives her great honor to assist humankind to walk into a beautiful New Earth.

Meet Karen